Friday, September 29, 2017

July 6, 1970 (last letter)

Dear Mom,
I am still in Katum.  You might have heard on the news around July 2 about a sapper attack at Katum.  13 sappers came through the wire.  They killed 3 GIs and wounded 27.  One of my men got killed.  He was blown to pieces.  9 of the 13 sappers were killed.  We got ambushed again a couple of days after I last wrote you.  This time it was a different story.
Everyday I took my jeep.  I carried a M-60 machine gun with 1500 rounds of ammo.  I had two men in back with M-79 grenade launchers, plenty of hand grenades and 4 LAW's (light anti tank weapon) (They look like a bazooka but are portable and you throw them away after you fire them).
Anyway my jeep was in the middle and when they fired the first RPG we raced up and I put about 200 rounds in the direction of the fire.  Then my gun quit and I grabbed two LAW's and fired them.  Meanwhile one of my men was running down the ditch line throwing grenades into the bushes on both sides of the road.
The fight lasted about an hour and we shot up enough ammo to stop an army.
Please renew my WSJ subscription.  Also how many Holman shares are for sale.  Make sure you buy them I will buy what you don't want from you.  I got some cookies and letters from Jill tell her thanks and I will try to write her. 

P.S. How's Debbie's trip?
P.S.S.  I think now is a good time to look for underpriced stocks in growing companies.  I don't think the market is going to get any lower.

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