Friday, September 29, 2017

June 19, 1970

Dear Mom,
Sorry I haven't been writing you regulary, but I have been finding it rather hard to write lately.  We are still up at Katum but have pretty well pulled out of Cambodia.  Tay Nihn is being turned over to the ARVN's so we will be going to a place called Dau Tieng about 20 miles east and slightly south of Tay Ninh.  It borders on the Michelin Rubber plantation.  I think we will be there for the entire wet season.  Three days ago my platoon got ambushed (for the 5th time since we have been in Cambodia).  One of my men died yesterday from the wounds suffered in the ambush (three bullets in the stomach).  One of my men lost his leg, it was blown off when an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) hit the door where he was sitting.  We found the leg in the truck after he was dusted off.  Another one of my men got his elbow shot off and got two bullets in the back.  All together 5 of my men were wounded and dusted off.  Since we have been in Cambodia I have had two trucks destroyed by mines, two by RPGs and my bucket loader destroyed by RPG's.  I have 12 men left in my platoon.  7 of my people have been wounded by enemy fire and 3 through non combat injuries.  
I don't know what the newspapers have been saying, but we are in the lower fishhook region and we are being beaten.  Our whole brigade (1st Brigade) is losing men like flies and we are getting many of the NVA.
I will be glad when we get out of here and things get back to normal.  Watch stocks carefully during any rally so that you might be able to sell some dogs.
Also keep checking with Dick Evens about buying more Holmer.  I would like to buy some myself so if you can get a hold of some I would like to buy a few hundred shares.
Take care and say hi to everyone and try to explain to them about my not writing.

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